392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

If your loved one is not listed correctly or does not have a photo, please contact us by clicking here.

Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Position Photo
Kaeble, Raymond.R. S/Sgt Gunner Oscar P. Johnson crew
Kalionzes, Harry A. 1/Lt Bombardier Individual photo   Hebron crew
Kamacho, John A. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Henry W. Hoffman crew
Kamenitsa, William T. 2/Lt Pilot Kamenitsa crew    Personal Acct.
Kamenko, Alexander Sgt Tail Gunner Robert E. Baetz crew   Baetz Crew Partial 1
Kampfe, Roy E. T/Sgt Engineer Weaver crew
Kane, Francis M. T/Sgt Engineer Shelley Crew
Kane, Fred J. 2/Lt Bombardier Lt Gerald 'Buck' Rogers crew   Individual photo
Kaplan, Jacob 2/Lt Navigator Individual Photo    Personal Acct. 1    Personal Acct. 2    Personal Acct. 3
Kaplan, Murray S/Sgt Radio Operator Clapper crew
Karas, Joseph T/Sgt Engineer Scott crew
Karas Michael 1/Lt Copilot Teipel crew
Karaso, Joseph J. S/Sgt Radio Operator Bishop Crewmen   Bishop crew
Karl, John F. 2/Lt Navigator Edward Wittel crew   Wittel crew 2
Kaspervik, Donald W. 1/Lt Pilot Individual photo
Kaswan, Joseph FO Navigator Individual photo
Kaufman, Kenneth S. 2/Lt Navigator Morefield crew   Individual photo
Keagle, Paul E. Cpl Waist Gunner J.R. Hummel crew
Keane, James J.L. 2/Lt Navigator R. J. Benson crew
Kearns, Louis L. 2/Lt Copilot Roper crew 1
Keba, John T/Sgt Engineer Capt Donald Clark crew
Keck, Ralph W. Jr. 2/Lt Navigator J. Goff crew; Brass Briefing Crew   Individual photo
Kedenburg, John H. S/Sgt Engineer B.R. Shaw crew   B.R. Shaw crew #2
Kegler, Stanley J. Sgt Waist Gunner Prater crew from 12/1977 2ADA News
Keilman, Myron H. Maj Pilot/579 Sqdn CO 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   Individual Photo    Personal Acct. 1    Personal Acct. 2    Personal Acct. 3    Personal Acct. 4    Personal Acct. 5   Personal Acct. 6
Keith, Donald N. Cpl Waist Gunner Earl/Smiley crew
Kelleher, Daniel P. 2/Lt Copilot John V. Johnston Crew
Keller, Aubrey V. S/Sgt Gunner Individual Photo   J.N. Taylor crew
Keller, Charles T. S/Sgt Ball Turret Acebedo crew
Kelley, Joseph J. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual Photo     Copp crew
Kelly, Charles F.. 1/Lt Bombardier Kuster crew
Kelly, Francis B. 2/Lt Bombardier Lishka crew   Bombadiers #2   F. A. George crew
Kelly, John B. 1/Lt Pilot Kelly crew
Kelly, Joseph E. T/Sgt Engineer   R.E. Fletcher crew photo   R.E. Fletcher crew enlisted men
Kelly, Steve Sgt Radio Operator Edward Wittel crew
Kelly, Tracy M. S/Sgt Ball Turret John V. Johnston Crew
Kelly, William E. 2/Lt Navigator Rogillio crew   Rogillio crew 2
Kempker, Edward J. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo
Kennedy, Billy S. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Bob Egan crew   Bob Egan crew #2   Egan crew Pre-Flight "Poco"
Kennedy, John L. 1/Lt Navigator Individual photo
Kennedy, Thomas 1/Lt Bombardier Individual photo
Kennett, Roy L. S/Sgt Radio Operator Ofenstein crew    Personal Acct.   Individual photo
Kent, Parke V. T/Sgt Radio Operator Waugh crew   Individual photo
Kerfoot, Desmond A. Cpl Radio Operator Proctor crew
Kern, R.A. 1/Lt Copilot Spartage crew
Kerr, David R. Capt Pilot Individual photo   Brandt-Kerr ater Belguim crash
Kent, George W. M/Sgt Crew Chief E.H. Barber, G.W. Kent & E.H. Ivey
Kenyon, Charles L. S/Sgt Ball Turret M.T. Johns crew 576th
Kidd, James L. T/Sgt Engineer Case crew
Kieffer, Ralph W. T/Sgt Voice Interpreter Individual photo
Kielblock, Albert L. S/Sgt Voice Interpreter Individual photo
Kieras, Eugene J. T/Sgt Engineer Gerow Crew   Individual photo
Kiger, Jerome E. Sgt Tail Gunner Carey crew   Carey crew 2
Kight, Donald A. S/Sgt Nose Gunner Warner crew  Warner Crew Cambridge Funeral
Kilian, Chester J. Sgt Radio Operator Prater crew from 12/1977 2ADA News
Killea, Kevin B. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Jack C. Clarke crew #2
Kilmer, William 1/Lt Pilot Kilmer crew
Kimball, Burleigh A. S/Sgt Gunner Kuster crew   Kuster crew enlisted men   Kuster crew enlisted men 2
Kincaid, Myron M. T/Sgt Radio Operator Cohn Crew   Cohn Crew in front of Silver Streak
King, Charles C. Sgt Engineer R.H. Tays crew
King, Francis S., Jr. FO Navigator Individual photo
Kingston, Donald B. T/Sgt Radio Operator Tokarsky Crew   McClellan crew
Kinsinger, William D. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Cieply crew
Kintana, Jr., Frank T. S/Sgt Gunner Robertson crew
Kinzler, Stephen J. T/Sgt Engineer Jordan crew 1   Jordan crew 2
Kirk, George A. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Myers crew
Kirkpatrick, Homer L. T/Sgt Radio Operator Gonseth crew
Kirkpatrick, John T. Sgt Radio Operator John E. Griffin crew
Kirkwood, Thomas G. 1/Lt Navigator Individual photo   Capt Ben Alexander crew   Broussard, Alexander, Kirkwood
Kirol, John Sgt Gunner Frank Koza crew The Liberty Belle
Kisler, Charles L. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Capt Ben Alexander crew
Kiss, Joseph T/Sgt Radio Operator Baumgart crew
Kitlan, Richard K. 2/Lt Copilot Rush and Kitlan   Individual photo
Kjelshus, Eddie H. Sgt Engineer Dickson-Kubale crew
Kleber, William M. Sgt Tail Gunner Anundson crew
Klinchok, John J. S/Sgt Gunner Bolick crew
Knephoff, John J. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Capt Ben Alexander crew
Knettel, Gerald E. S/Sgt Engineer Individual photo
Knierim, Roger A. T/Sgt Engineer Wick crew
Knies, George R. S/Sgt Gunner Carnine crew #1   Carnine crew #2   Carnine crew #3
Knudson, Bernard L. 2/Lt Navigator J.R. Hummel crew   Individual photo
Knutson, Edward G. 1/Lt Bombardier Harcus crew
Koch, Christian H. 1/Lt Navigator Scarlata Crew
Koch, William Jr. S/Sgt Gunner Oscar P. Johnson crew
Kochenash, Charles S/Sgt Radio Operator Pounds crew
Koenig, William S. F/O Bombardier Individual photo
Kohn, Frank A. Sgt Radio Operator Schuster crew
Koke, Delbert H. 2/Lt Navigator Stoddard crew
Kolczynski, Walter J. S/Sgt Left Waist Graper/Taylor crew   Graper crew
Kolodziejski, John H. Sgt Tail Gunner Weed crew
Kopecky, Raymond H. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo
Kopperud, Cliford M. S/Sgt Gunner Capt Donald Clark crew
Kornman, Harold C. 1/Lt Navigaror Individual photo
Koroluck, Stephen T/Sgt Gunner Pardue Crew
Korpi, William B. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Cohn Crew   Cohn Crew in front of Silver Streak
Kosek, Stephen C. Sgt Gunner John E. Griffin crew
Kostlan, Albert 2/Lt Navigator Individual photo
Kostrewski, George T. T/Sgt Radio Operator William C. Smith crew
Kouzes, George Cpl Waist Gunner Proctor crew
Koza, Frank 2/Lt Pilot Frank Koza crew The Liberty Belle
Kracker, Eugene A. S/Sgt Gunner Raczko crew
Krapf, Norman C. S/Sgt Radio Operator Felsenthal crew   Individual photo
Krause, Thomas J. 2/Lt Navigator Menard crew
Krause, William N. 2/Lt Bombardier Nugent crew
Krausse, Warren L. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo
Krejci, Jack J. Sgt Right Waist Kamenitsa crew    Personal Acct.
Kresser, Fred M. S/Sgt Radio Operator Robert H. Griggs Crew
Kressig, Edmund L. 2/Lt Copilot Solomon crew
Krogh, Svend A. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Bolick crew   Bolick crew 2   Individual photo
Kroll, Milton E. T/Sgt Radio Operator William E. Smith crew
Krueger, Roger C. Sgt Tail Gunner 578th-Goodwin crew
Kruse, Elmer K. Sgt Tail Gunner Sisson crew
Krushas, Vitold P. S/Sgt Engineer Individual Photo   Ofenstein crew    Personal Acct.
Kubale, Edward W. 1/Lt Copilot Dickson-Kubale crew
Kuchta, John S/Sgt Radio Operator Cornell crew photo fm March 1982 2ADA Journal   Individual Photo   Individual Photo   Individual Photo
Kudej, Robert W. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Individual photo
Kuhns, Robert H. Sgt Ball Turret Meighen crew
Kurkomelis, Gus C. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Individual photo   Identification Document
Kuster, Kenneth D. Capt Pilot Kuster crew
Kuttner, Ferdinand F. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo   Morefield crew
Kvorjak, Michael B. 2/Lt Copilot Feuerstacke crew
Kwash, Russell H. 2/Lt Pilot Russell H. Kwash Crew   Kwash crew 2
Kwasnycia (Kender), Nick S/Sgt Gunner Carnine crew #1   Carnine crew #2   Carnine crew #3
Kwiatowski, Leo J. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Jordan crew 2