392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

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Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
Nacsa, Chic Cpl 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th-QM-Co-AVN-May-1994 NEWS
Nader, William A. Pvt 806th Chem Co assigned, MOS 056.Per SO#80, 10Apr45, MOS change from 056 to 786.
Naill, John M. S/Sgt 465th Sub Depot p4, orig mbr. MOS 502=Administrative Noncommissioned Officer. P42, worked in Hangar #1.
Nanson, Fred A. Pfc 806th Chem Co.  
Napier, Joe M/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Narges, Howard E. Sgt 577th assigned; MOS 683=Bombsight Mechanic.Per SO#22, 4Feb44, TD for 4-wk course in Honeywell AFCE and Norden Bombsight Maintenance.
Nash, Richard I. Pvt 577th MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician - Casalone, Kirk, Nash
Nashwinter, Francis N. Cpl 578th Airplane & Engine Mechanic - Nashwinter and Arpe   Individual Photo   Personal Acct.
Nathan, Harold Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Nauert, Henry J. S/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot p4, orig mbr. MOS 925. p8. P42, worked in Hangar #1.
Navert, H.J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Nawrocki, John E. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Neal, James R. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot Trolley Passengers - p4, was an original mbr; xferred fm 745h Svc Sq. MOS 925. p42, worked in Hangar #1.. P81, Barracks Chief for Barracks #5.
Neal, Junior W. Pfc 577th  
Needham, Q.L. T/5   Trolley Passengers
Neff, Dwight W. Cpl 577th Radio Operator, AAF - Individual Photo
Neff, Paul N. 2/Lt Gp Hq  
Negro, Frank Sgt 579th 579th ground crew and El Lobo
Neher, Dean J. Pvt 579th MOS 055 = Clerk, General
Neill, Wilfred M. Pfc 578th MOS 902 = Weapons Mechanic, Aircraft
Neilson, K.J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Neilson, Kenneth V. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Neilson, Robert Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Nellums, Lyman N. Sgt 579th Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-49385; MOS 853.
Nelson, Geoffrey E. or Godfrey S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq Per the 10th SCS history, he might be the man mentioned as Lt Daughdrill's NCO. In 403rd, he was in the Administrative Inspectors Office and helped write the 403rd history. - Individual Photo
Nelson, Harry E. M/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Nelson, Homer E. Sgt 10th SCS assigned; MOS 060
Nelson, Jack T/5 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co Group
Nelson, Lee L. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Nelson, Norman B. Sgt Det A, 317th Svc Gp; 10th SCS MOS 502. xfered 317th to 10th on 13Dec43 per SO91. xferred to AAF Sta 115 on 3Jan44.
Nelson, W. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Nelson, Warren I. T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Nelson, William E. Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Nemeth Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Nesbit, William W. T/5 1287th MP Det MOS = 345, Truck Driver, Light
Neustadt Jr. Walter 2/Lt 576th Per LFW, assigned to Gp Hq as Asst Gp Intelligence Officer - 576th Sqdn Officers #2
Neville, Frank J. S/Sgt    
Newberry, J.H. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Newberry, John R. Cpl 578th Cook
Newell, J.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Newman Jr, Dewey Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Newstrom, Lavonne D. Pvt 576th  
Nicholaou, George J. Sgt 576th Ordnance Section Crew Chief
Nicholas, Peter J. Sgt 579th  
Nichols, Condy E. 1/Sgt 10thStaCompSq LFW said he worked on behalf of 10thStaCompSq to help American Red Cross with Christmas Party for local orphanages and schools.
Nichols, Gail L.   74th Service Sq Original cadre, assigned to sheet metal work and perimeter defense in the 74th Service Sqdn, Jul 1943 to Apr 1944 per Summer 87 2ADA Journal.Per Nov00 News, he was on a gun crew that manned the machine guns on the airfield at Wendling.In 1944 he was transfered to th 314th Troop Carrier (AVN), May 1994 NEWS near Nottingham.
Nichols, M.B. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Nichols, Robert E. 1/Lt 576th Per LFW, 576th Sq Supply Officer - 576th Sqdn Officers #1   576th Sqdn Officers #2
Nicks, A.L. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Niels, Alfred E. Pvt 577th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Nielsen, Alfred E. Pfc 577th  
Niemczycki, Henry W. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Niemeier, Lawrence G. T/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Niemira, Teddy J. Pfc 577th MOS 256 = Welder, Combination.Per SO#135, 18Jul44, MOS change from 521 to 901.
Niles, E.S. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Niles, J.M. T/5   Trolley Passengers
Nixon Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Nixon, George W. Pvt 578th Munitions Worker
Nixon, Harlan L. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Noble, John A. Pvt 578ty Orderly
Nobley, Arville Pvt 579th and 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Noder, Walter G. Cpl 578th Airplane & Engine Mechanic
Noeffler, Eric T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Nolan, Gilbert R. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot Trolley Passengers - p4, orig mbr. MOS 747=Airplane & Engine Mechanic. p42, worked in Hangar #1.
Nopeck, Joseph J. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Norby, M.W. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Nordstrom, Sten A. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Norkett     Trolley Passengers
Norris, E.A. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Northrop, Clayton Pvt 465th Sub-Depot  
Norton, William E. Cpl Gp HQ Per SO#34, 1Mar44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal for having served one year of active Federal Service after 7 Dec 1941 and displayed exemplary behavior efficiency and fidelity during such service.Per SO#141, 24Jul44, MOS change from 807 to 805.Per SO#251, 28Nov44, MOS change from 805 to 137.Per SO#238, 11Nov44, TD to Sta 595 for 3-2k course for 35mm projectionists.   Group Headquarters Photo
Nosworthy, F. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Normington, Jerry K. Sgt 577th  
Novak, Edward R. Sgt 578th Armorer
Novobilsky, Andrew Cpl 579th  
Noyd, Werner S. 1/Lt 576th 576th Sq Armament Officer - Capt Noyd's promotion party
Nuccio, Ettore C. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot Tp11. p27, was a machinist in the Machine Shop. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#5, 20Jul44. P66, build a brick office building adjoining Hangar #1 in Feb 1945. p66, was selected for transfer to Infantry Reinforcement Training in Feb 45. He and the others "are all skilled men, experienced in their jobs, having been with the Sub Depot since its activation and it will be difficult to replace them. It was with considerable reluctance that the Sub Depot submitted their names, but we all feel certain that they will give as good an account of themselves as Infantrymen as they did as Air Corps Specialists." p69, pic of machine shop.
Nugent, D.H. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Nunez, Enriquo M. Pfc 577th MOS changed from 521 Airman Basic to 901, Munitions Worker
Nussman, Donald C. Pfc 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a 578th Power Turret & Cnst Mechanic. - 578th Sqdn Armament Section   578th turret Section
Nutt, Arthur S. Cpl 578th Armament Clerk - 578th Sqdn Armament Section
Nyberg, Duane V. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Nyman, Richard W. Capt 578th assigned